PVDF Membrane

GVS PVDF Membrane is a naturally hydrophobic, unsupported transfer membrane.

It has a high binding capacity, which prevents protein from passing through the membrane, and a low background that provides for an excellent signal-noise ratio.

It also has exceptional tensile strength, preventing it from cracking, tearing, breaking or curling.

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Product Details

Properties GVS PVDF Membrane is a naturally hydrophobic, unsupported transfer membrane.
It has a high binding capacity, which prevents protein from passing through the membrane, and a low background that provides for an excellent signal-noise ratio.
It also has exceptional tensile strength, preventing it from cracking, tearing, breaking or curling.
Characteristic Superior strength can withstand aggressive handling or be used with automated equipment without breaking or tearing
Low extractables ensures tests will be clean with consistent results
Exceptional sensitivity detects low-level components
Hydrophobic for high protein binding
Lot-to-lot consistency quality checks ensure consistent binding for dependable results every time
BSA protein binding capacity 125µg/cm²
Application Western blots
Solid phase assays
Amino acid or protein analyses
Size/ SKU/ Item Code 3037800 Filter, Disk, PVDF, Hydrophilic, 0.45µm, 47mm, 100/PK

3037801 Filter, Disk, PVDF, Hydrophilic, 0.45µm, 90mm, 25/PK

3037802 Filter, Disk, PVDF, Hydrophilic, 0.45µm, 25mm, 100/PK

3044270 Filter, Disk, PVDF, Hydrophilic, 0.22µm, 47mm, 100/PK

3044271 Filter, Disk, PVDF, Hydrophilic, 0.22µm, 90mm, 25/PK

3044272 Filter, Disk, PVDF, Hydrophilic, 0.22µm, 25mm, 100/PK


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